Contact Person
You can send a message to: Siamchapter IT-Officer
Your reference page: Seminar: Introduction to Git 23.01.2025
You can send a message to: Siamchapter IT-Officer
Your reference page: Seminar: Introduction to Git 23.01.2025
It's like the Discovery Channel - with beer!
Official website:
We are regularly looking for speakers. If you are interested in giving a presentation or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us
Students and academics who are interested in applied mathematics are more than welcome! The membership is free of charge.
Further, student members of the chapter will receive free student memberships of SIAM.
In order to register as a member of the Student Chapter of SIAM Magdeburg, please fill out this registration form.
Last Modification: 17.11.2019 - Contact Person: