Aktivitäten 2020
Das neue Jahr ist da, so auch die Kälte (der Winter ist da), aber keine Sorge!! Wir (SIAM's Chapter in Magdeburg) möchte euch zu einem Abend mit Karten-, Brett- und Rollenspielen einladen. Wir werden einige Spiele arrangieren. Ihr könnt jedoch gerne eure eigenen Spiele mitbringen.
Online Game Evening
Normally at this time of the year, we would plan a trip to the Christmas market. Unfortunately this year it's not possible. But do not worry! We have planned something else instead. We would like to invite you to take part in a game evening which will take place online on Thursday 17th of December at 19:00.
Organizational Meeting October
Next week we are having our very first board meeting after the election. We are meeting on Wednesday 21st of October in front of the OVGU Mensa at 12:00 . This time we are moslty discussing responsibilities of the new board members and ideas for the upcoming events.